
County Governments Additional Allocations (No. 2) Bill, 2022
Open for Memoranda
08 Nov 2022
SPONSOR: Sen. Ali Ibrahim Roba
Chairperson, Budget and Appropriations Committee
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The principal object of this Bill is to make provision for the transfer of conditional allocations from national governments share of revenue and from development …

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The County Vocational and Training Bill, 2022
Open for Memoranda
08 Nov 2022
SPONSOR: Hon. Moses Kajwang
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The principal object of this Bill is to put in place a legal framework to govern the establishment and management of vocational education and training …

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The Political Parties (Amendment) Bill, 2022
Open for Memoranda
14 Nov 2022
SPONSOR: Hon. Gladys Shollei
Member of the National Assembly
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The object of this Bill is to amend the political Parties Act, 2011 to require the Registrar of Political Parties to convey to the Clerk …

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The Copyright (Amendment) Bill, 2021
Commentray Closed
04 Apr 2022
SPONSOR: Hon. Gladys Wanga
Member of the National Assembly
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The object of the Bill is to amend the Copyright Act, to provide for fair formula for sharing of revenue from ring back tunes between …

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The Employment (Amendment) Bill, 2019
Commentray Closed
SPONSOR: Hon. Gideon Keter
Member of the National Assembly
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The objective of this Bill is to amend Section 9 of the Employment Act in order to mandate an employer to carry out background checks …

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The Election Campaign Financing (Amendment) Bill, 2021
Open for Memoranda
10 Nov 2021
SPONSOR: Hon. Jeremiah Kioni
Member of the National Assembly
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The principal object of this Bill is to amend the Elections Campaign Financing Act, 2013 to align its provisions with the Elections Act, 2011 and …

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Mental Health (Amendment) Bill, 2020
Open for Memoranda
SPONSOR: Sen. Sylvia Kasanga
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Article 43 (1) (a) of the Constitution guarantees every person the right to the highest attainable standard of health which includes the right to health …

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The Alternative Dispute Resolution Bill, 2021
Open for Memoranda
06 Jul 2021
SPONSOR: Sen. Sylvia Kasanga
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The principal object of the Bill is to put in place a legal framework for the settlement of certain civil disputes by conciliation, mediation and …

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The Kenya Citizenship and Immigration (Amendment) Bill, 2021
Open for Memoranda
06 Jul 2021
SPONSOR: Sen. Irungu Kang'ata
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The principal purpose of the Bill is to put in place mechanisms for the protection of the interests of Kenyans living abroad and to ensure …

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The County E-Health Bill, 2021
Open for Memoranda
SPONSOR: Sen. Judith Pareno
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The Bill seeks to enhance the delivery of medical services through the provision of e-health at the county level. As per the World Health Organisation, …

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The Coconut Industry Development Bill, 2021
Open for Memoranda
06 Jul 2021
SPONSOR: Sen. Njeru Ndwiga
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The principal object of this Bill is to establish the Coconut Industry Development Board with the aim of saving the coconut industry by revamping the …

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The Preservation of Human Dignity and Enforcement of Economic and Social Rights Bill, 2021
Open for Memoranda
06 Jul 2021
SPONSOR: Sen. Abshiro Halakhe
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The principal object of the Bill is to give effect to Article 43 of the Constitution in order to ensure the preservation of human dignity …

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