
The Equalisation Fund (Administration) Bill, 2023
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SPONSOR: Sen. Ali Roba
Chairperson, Budget and Appropriations Committee
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Article 204(1) of the Constitution establishes the Equalisation Fund whose purpose is to finance the provision of certain services in order to bring the quality …

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The County Allocation of Revenue Bill, 2023
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SPONSOR: Sen. Ali Roba
Chairperson, Budget and Appropriations Committee
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The principal object of this Bill is to make provision for the allocation of revenue raised nationally among the county governments for the financial year …

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The Constitution of Kenya (Amendment) Bill, 2023
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SPONSOR: Sen. Beth Syengo
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This Bill seeks to amend the Constitution to give effect to the two- thirds gender principle through the creation of special seats that will ensure …

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The Agriculture and Food Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2023
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SPONSOR: Sen. James Murango
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The principle object of the Bill is to amend Section 43 of the Agriculture and Food Authority Act, 2013 to exempt cashew nuts, macadamia nuts …

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The Finance Bill, 2023
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SPONSOR: Hon. Kuria Kimani
Chairperson, Committee on Finance, Commerce and Budget
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This Bill has been submitted by the Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury and Planning and formulates the proposals announced in the Budget for 2023/2024 …

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The Coffee Bill, 2023
Open for Memoranda
11 Apr 2023
SPONSOR: Sen. James Murango
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The principle object of the Bill is to provide for the development and regulation of the Coffee industry in Kenya. The Bill proposes to reorganize …

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The Heritage and Museums Bill, 2023
Open for Memoranda
SPONSOR: Sen. Julius Murgor
Chairman, Standing Committee on Labour and Social Welfare
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The principal object of the Bill is to give effect to the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution. The Bill proposes to retain the National Museums …

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The Persons with Disabilities Bill, 2023
Open for Memoranda
22 Mar 2023
SPONSOR: Sen. Crystal Asige
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The object of the Bill is to repeal the Persons with Disabilities Act, No. 14 of 2003 and have in place a law that is …

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The Kenyan Sign Language Bill, 2023
Open for Memoranda
22 Mar 2023
SPONSOR: Hon. Margaret Kamar
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The principal objective of this Bill is to provide for the use of sign language in judicial proceedings, schools and public institutions to ensure that …

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The Parliamentary Powers & Privileges (Amendment) Bill, 2022 --
Open for Memoranda
01 Dec 2022
SPONSOR: Sen. Danson Mungatana
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This Bill imposes a specific obligation on officials of the Executive, constitutional commissions and independent offices to comply with the requirement to give feedback to …

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The Natural Resources (Benefit Sharing) Bill, 2022
Open for Memoranda
01 Dec 2022
SPONSOR: Sen. Danson Mungatana
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The Bill seeks to provide a legislative framework for the establishment and enforcement of a system of benefit sharing in natural resource exploitation between natural …

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The Equalization Fund Appropriation Bill, 2023
Open for Memoranda
07 Mar 2023
SPONSOR: Sen. Ali Roba
Chairperson, Committee on Finance, Commerce and Budget
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The Bill principally seeks to provide for payments out of the Equalisation Fund for the financial year 2022/2023. It therefore proposes a legal framework for …

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